What’s on: August 2024

There are lots of exciting activities coming up in our writing for wellbeing community this month, from live events and book of the month titles to writing prompts and four-week courses.

Everything listed below is included as part of your membership to WriteWell - try 14 days free. Find out how our community works here.


Explore writing for wellbeing with a friendly bunch of fellow writers on our four-week courses.

    • Starting to Write Fiction 2 – 4 week course (from Monday 5 August @ 9:00AM)
      For those of you who have taken the Fiction 1 course you can now take this follow on course which explores settings, planning a story and working with time.

Register to take part

Just Write

Monthly prompts to kickstart your writing, with space to share work and chat with other writers.

    • August prompt: A morning tale
      Our August writing prompt is all about morning time. Early risers are among the happiest people in the world. Is it the silence or stillness of the morning air that brings clarity? Is there a holiness that is captured first thing? Contemplate the morning energy and how it feels for your mind and body Need something to write on? Grab your WriteWell digital journal.

Book of the month

See what we’re reading this month and join the discussion.

Start your journey

Subscribe to our newsletter to hear about upcoming events, join now and dive straight into the activities, or get in touch to ask us anything.