Navigating physical changes 

Summer into Autumn always seems to strike a physical chord.

It could be the change in the air, the darker mornings (if you’re living in the northern hemisphere), the less than colourful trees and shrubs metamorphosing right before our eyes! The loss of the bright evenings sends a wave of sadness through the atmosphere. 

The seasons are repetitive no doubt and yet the changes felt in the physical body can be subtle and steady over time. When mid-decade strikes, people often realise that they are no longer the energetic vibrant 30-year-old they once were. Why can’t the physical body be seasonal, with spring guaranteeing a more agile lightness to our step? In summer a firmer glow ready to take on the waves. Alas, change can be cruel! 

How do you feel about physical change?

Here’s a writing exercise and wisdom shared to help you understand or even embrace the difficulties of change: 

Carl Jung said the first half of life is devoted to developing a healthy ego. He also said, the second half of life is going inward and letting go of it. That is the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. The human as a caterpillar is yet to awaken and evolve.

The cocoon stage is the shedding of the old and embracing the new, a difficult and uncomfortable stage. The butterfly stage is the most authentic version of the spiritual light being that is truly who we are.

Write yourself through the three stages, beginning at the caterpillar phase, cocoon stage and butterfly outcome. If you haven’t reached the third phase, write it as if you have. 

Feeling ready to write some more? Visit WriteWell and sign up for a short 4-week online writing course, Navigating Change. It is packed with weekly step by step writing guides, images and inspiring prompts.

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