There are lots of exciting activities coming up in our writing for wellbeing community this month, from live events and book of the month titles to writing prompts and four-week courses.

Everything listed below is included as part of your membership to WriteWell - try 14 days free. Find out how our community works here.
Live Events
Live Zoom talks and writing workshops with authors and wellbeing experts.
- Monday 17 April @ 7:30pm
Diving In to free-writing with Sukhema
Sukhema (aka Larry Butler) returns to WriteWell and brings along his wisdom and tender teachings for free-writing. Diving In can take us anywhere and everywhere in writing. Let’s explore together.
- Monday 17 April @ 7:30pm
Explore writing for wellbeing with a friendly bunch of fellow writers on our four-week courses. From May we will be focusing on one course a month.
Courses that began in March will continue in April. The next course to start will be Building Resilience from 1 May. See below!
- Building Resilience – 4 week course starts (from Monday 1 May @ 9:00AM)
Boost your resilience to this ever changing world during this 4 week course. Gain the tools and knowledge to help work through the storms of life that sometimes take us by surprise!
- Building Resilience – 4 week course starts (from Monday 1 May @ 9:00AM)
And plenty more!
Community Connection
Join our weekly writing groups and mindfulness challenges. Includes a short daily meditation practice and written assignment each day.
- Just Write Together (every Tuesday @ 10.45AM)
Join Claire for a morning of mindful writing – a dedicated time in your calendar that you can look forward to and immerse yourself in writing.
- Just Write Together (every Tuesday @ 10.45AM)
Just Write
Monthly prompts to kickstart your writing, with space to share work and chat with other writers.
- April prompt: Something new
April feels like the beginning of a new year. This month brings about a real change in the seasons, making it feel fresh and new. Spring affirms its arrival with the bulging buds on the trees and the shoots of fresh growth from underground. Need something to write on? Grab your WriteWell digital journal.
- April prompt: Something new
Book of the month
See what we’re reading this month and join the discussion.
- The Artist’s Way – A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron
The Artist’s Way – A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity guides readers in uncovering problems and pressure points that may be restricting their creative flow and offers techniques to open up opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
- The Artist’s Way – A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron
Come chat to us any time: