There are lots of exciting activities coming up in our writing for wellbeing community this month, from live events and book of the month titles to writing prompts and four-week courses.

Everything listed below is included as part of your membership to WriteWell - try 14 days free. Find out how our community works here.
Explore writing for wellbeing with a friendly bunch of fellow writers on our four-week courses.
- Building Better Habits – 4-week course starts (from Monday 7 August @ 9:00AM)
Make some positive changes in your life after taking this 4 week course. Learn some new ways of turning negativity around and become more optimistic.
- Building Better Habits – 4-week course starts (from Monday 7 August @ 9:00AM)
Community Connection
Join our regular writing groups and mindfulness challenges. Includes a short daily meditation practice and written assignment each day.
- Just Write Together (Wednesday 16 August @ 12PM)
Join us for some casual writing ahead of the Creating Calm writing course which opens in September. Have you been through a storm and reached a place of calm afterwards? Are you moving through one right now? Come write with us and we’ll give words to how storms help us build strength and endurance. See you there!
- Just Write Together (Wednesday 16 August @ 12PM)
Just Write
Monthly prompts to kickstart your writing, with space to share work and chat with other writers.
- August prompt: The Great Outdoors
Our August writing prompt asks you to step outside and write about living on the land. Can you imagine sleeping outdoors for one night or one week. What was it like? Is it something you’d like to do or does the sound of living under the roof of a blue sky horrify you? Need something to write on? Grab your WriteWell digital journal.
- August prompt: The Great Outdoors
Book of the month
See what we’re reading this month and join the discussion.
- Meditate Yourself Happy by Fiona Lamb
Through easy and accessible exercises that are organised by mood and range from 5–10 minutes, discover how small shifts can lead to big changes. This book will teach you how to harness its transformative power to heal your body and mind by, controlling anxiety, promoting emotional health enhancing self-awareness and improving your overall wellbeing.
- Meditate Yourself Happy by Fiona Lamb
Come chat to us any time: