There are lots of exciting activities coming up in our writing for wellbeing community this month, from live events and book of the month titles to writing prompts and four-week courses.

Everything listed below is included as part of your membership to WriteWell - try 14 days free. Find out how our community works here.
Live Events
Live Zoom talks and writing workshops with authors and wellbeing experts.
- Tuesday 23 August @ 8:00PM
Exploring the power of creative journalling
Laura Godfrey-Isaacs returns with inspiring artwork and ideas to bring the page alive with writing. Maternal Journal is an award-winning movement with a thriving online community of thousands – we’re delighted to be part of this writing revolution!
- Tuesday 23 August @ 8:00PM
Explore writing for wellbeing with a friendly bunch of fellow writers on our four-week courses. We have several starting this month – here’s just a few of them:
- Building Resilience (from Monday 1 August @ 9:00AM)
Boost your resilience to this ever-changing world during this four-week course. Gain the tools and knowledge to help work through the storms of life that sometimes take us by surprise!
- Building Resilience (from Monday 1 August @ 9:00AM)
- Starting to Write Fiction 2 (from Monday 8 August @ 9:00AM)
For those of you who have taken the Fiction 1 course, you can now take this follow-on course which explores settings, planning a story and working with time.
- Starting to Write Fiction 2 (from Monday 8 August @ 9:00AM)
- Navigating Change (from Monday 15 August @ (9:00AM)
Change is something that is certain but how we respond to it can really free us from worry. Explore this four-week course and allow it to help you change your view of change!
- Navigating Change (from Monday 15 August @ (9:00AM)
- And plenty more!
Community Connection
Join our weekly writing groups and mindfulness challenges. Includes a short daily meditation practice and written assignment each day.
- Just Write Together (every Tuesday @ 10.45AM)
Join Claire for a morning of mindful writing – a dedicated time in your calendar that you can look forward to and immerse yourself in writing.
- Just Write Together (every Tuesday @ 10.45AM)
Just Write
Monthly prompts to kickstart your writing, with space to share work and chat with other writers.
- August prompt: Crossing over
August is a time when summer and autumn meet. Bridges are the perfect symbol for this time of year when summer quietly transitions into autumn.
- August prompt: Crossing over
Book of the month
See what we’re reading this month and join the discussion.
- That Sense of Wonder by Francesco Dimitri
Let’s rediscover our sense of wonder with Dimitri who “is a charming, knowledgeable companion on the road to the rediscovery of wonder, something we could all do with a little of in our lives.” (The Bookseller)
- That Sense of Wonder by Francesco Dimitri
Come chat to us any time: