There are lots of exciting activities coming up in our writing for wellbeing community this month, from live events and book club titles to writing prompts and four-week courses.

Everything listed below is included as part of your membership to WriteWell - try 14 days free. Find out how our community works here.
Live Events
Live Zoom talks and writing workshops with authors and wellbeing experts.
- Monday 7 March @ 8PM
Life’s Alive poetry workshop with Victoria Field
Join award-winning poetry therapist Victoria for an hour of reading and writing poetry on the coming of spring.
- Monday 7 March @ 8PM
Explore writing for wellbeing with a friendly bunch of fellow writers on our four-week courses. We have several starting this month – here’s just one of them:
- The Big Picture (from Monday 14 March)
What does balance mean to you? Life these days is in constant flux and sometimes things may feel like they’re out of our control. When life throws us a curve ball, it’s important to find perspective and our own inner balance. Writing can help.
- The Big Picture (from Monday 14 March)
Community Connection
Join our weekly writing groups and mindfulness challenges. Includes a short daily meditation practice and written assignment each day.
- Just Write Together (every Tuesday @ 10.45AM)
Join Claire for a morning of mindful writing – a dedicated time in your calendar that you can look forward to and immerse yourself in writing.
- Just Write Together (every Tuesday @ 10.45AM)
Just Write
Monthly prompts to kickstart your writing, with space to share work and chat with other writers.
- March prompt: On Spring
Think back to the last time you walked out of your house and thought with shocking certainty: it’s spring! Consider what sounds clued you into this change of season. How did the air smell? Think about all the senses – what can you hear, smell, feel or even taste when you’re there? Jot your feelings down on paper, a Word doc or your notes app in the moment. See where it takes you!
- March prompt: On Spring
Book Club
See what we’re reading this month and join the discussion.
- Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? by Dr Julie Smith
Described as ‘smart’, ‘insightful’ and ‘warm’ (Lori Gottlieb), this Sunday Times Bestseller from clinical psychologist Dr Julie Smith provides key insight and support in various areas of mental health.
- Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? by Dr Julie Smith
See you in the community for these activities and more!
Come chat to us any time: